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Rail and rail mounting bracket

Determine the installation position of the rail bracket

In the absence of embedded iron rail bracket hoistway wall, in accordance with the drawings to determine the installation location of the rail bracket

When the drawing does not specify the rail bracket and the top row row position when the next rail bracket, most of the next row in the pit rail bracket decorative corresponding position of 1000mm above the ground.

Each should have at least two sets of guide rail brackets and rail bracket spacing should be less than 2500mm;

Top row rail bracket at the corresponding position of the hoistway not more than 500 mm below the roof of.

In determining the location of the rail bracket, we must also consider the guide rail brackets webs and can not collide. Should be staggered from each rail bracket and rail joints should not be less than 30mm

Mounting rail bracket

Clear embedded iron surface of the concrete.

Verification of embedded iron position, if its position offset, reach the installation requirements, the embedded iron welding iron.

Iron thickness not less than 16mm, the length is generally not exceed 300mm.

When the length exceeds 200mm, ends with a diameter of not less than 16mm expansion bolts to the wall.

Installation of iron with the original embedded iron lap length is not less than 50mm, requires three sides fully welded.

Before installing the rail bracket, to be reviewed by the model down the baseline

Two line spacing is generally 80 ~ 100mm

Measure the actual height of each rail bracket from the wall and mark the centerline draw rail bracket, according to the order number for processing;

According to the centerline of the rail bracket and flat auxiliary line, rail bracket position for leveling, alignment.

Then welding the entire rail bracket error level should not exceed 5mm;

To ensure the guide rail bracket flat contact surface with tight, frame error is less than the end vertical 1mm;

Embedded iron rail bracket and the contact surfaces should be tight, welded inside and outside the four weeks to take full welding

Welding height of not less than 5mm. To weld full uniform, and can not have tie clip, bite of meat, bubbles.

No concrete shaft wall embedded multi-use iron bolt diameter not less than 16mm of

Expansion bolt holes to play, and you want to accurately position perpendicular to the wall, the depth should be appropriate.

Generally after the bolts are fixed, the outer jacket face and flat wall surfaces appropriate.

Mounting rails

The base rail into the bottomless pit, and corrects its corresponding position with rail mounted baseline.

0.5t erected on the top floor of winches, pulleys delegated to hook through the hoistway.

First with the D-type snap lock rail webs.

Then lifting rail to the mounting position

Using a plurality of guide rails hoisting winch hoisting overall approach can be used.

If the light rail and the lifting height is not, can be human, not less than 16mm diameter nylon rope hoist lifting rail instead.

The first lifting rails in place, the rail is fixed on the base and the corresponding guide rail brackets

After the bottom of the rails in place, the second guideway winched to the installation location, the rebate stitching together the upper and lower rails by rail connecting plate bolts to connect the two rails.

When the side rails have been installed in the order in place,

Lifting the same way the other side rail;

Adjustment rail

Rail end and baseline spacing and center distance with a steel ruler examination,

If you do not meet the requirements should be adjusted from front to back and from the center of the rail.

As posted relatively lax or horizontal deviation pointer, indicating distortions

With special shims to adjust the gap between the rail bracket and rail to meet the requirements.

To ensure accuracy, after using the above method to adjust, will seek ruler reverse 180 °, measured using the same method and then adjust until it meets the requirements.

Find pitch: Punctuality looking at the length of the pitch than the rail foot end flat seek small 0.5 ~ 1mm, with the feeler seek ruler and guide end clearance to meet the requirements.

Rail joints, rail Face straight edge ruler against the availability of rail Face with feeler a, b, c, d should be no greater than the specified place in the table.

Total length of rail joints should have a continuous gap, the gap is less than equal to the local 0.5mm.

Face and stepped-end surface side of the two rail joints should be less than equal to 0.05mm.

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